Toast Ale

We’ve committed to saving 1 million slices of surplus bread through our partnership with Toast Ale

We’ve saved 50,000 slices of bread which are then used to brew Toast Ale

On average, 607,000 tonnes of food is wasted per day. With a global population of 7.5 billion, that’s an earth-shattering 1.3 billion tonnes of food wasted every year. As the UK’s largest food procurement company we can help tackle this issue.

We work with Toast Ale, an award-winning craft beer company and a social enterprise. Toast Ale turns surplus bread, that would otherwise be wasted into a ‘planet-saving beer’. We’ve committed to saving 1 million slices of surplus bread through our partnership with Toast Ale across North American and the UK.

So far, through our partnership with Toast Ale, we’ve saved 60,000 slices of bread which are then used to brew Toast Ale.

Rob Wilson, Chief Toaster at Toast Ale said: “We couldn’t be prouder to be working with Foodbuy and Compass Group in both the UK and USA. We are collecting some of the surplus bread from their supply chain that would otherwise go to waste and brewing it into our award-winning range of Toast beers. These beers are then sold back into the Foodbuy network to be served to their clients, creating a wonderful example of the circular economy in action.”

We’re proud of our partnership with Toast Ale and using our procurement spend and influence to embed social value.

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