A significant promise to our Foodbuy customers is that across procurement categories we will use our scale and scope to fight for that elusive goal value. In most cases it’s easy to buy ‘cheap’, and if you are prepared to pay the price its straightforward to find ‘quality’. We believe great price and great quality should come as one, and that’s exactly what our category teams work to achieve on a daily basis. It’s always a challenging job and now more than ever, with macro-economic uncertainties adding extra pressures across every sector.
Almost every commentator agrees that the economic future is unclear and the only thing we can be certain of is uncertainty itself. No market likes uncertainty, but we have to learn to live with it. What we do know as a certainty is that by managing cost as effectively as possible and by providing clients with real transparency around our supply chain, we will secure value. Combine that approach with a focus on working with great partners and building strong relationships and we can provide effective advice and solutions for your business.
With Brexit continuing to dominate the headlines, and trade wars also hitting the media headlines over the last few months the economic future remains impossible to predict with any real degree of certainty.
What we do know is that our Foodbuy model is working and that we are securing value for our clients.
We would relish the opportunity to talk with you about how we secure best value for them and how we can do so for your business. As foodservice suppliers, we believe that in these times of economic uncertainty joining together provides us all with the very best opportunity to create mutual stability.
To learn more, contact us here.