We recognise the impacts of climate change are increasingly felt today, and that the food industry has a major role to play in supporting the transition to a low carbon economy.
As the procurement arm of Compass Group UK & Ireland, we must play a leading role in the delivery of its commitment to reach Climate Net Zero by 2030; reimagining the future of sourcing and rewiring the supply chain economics needed to enable it.
Carolyn Ball, Director for Delivery of Net Zero, Compass Group UK & Ireland, commented: "It is impossible to transform our food system without rewiring its economics; a fact that puts Foodbuy at the heart of both unprecedented challenge and extraordinary opportunity. To tackle both, demands deliberate, proactive and collaborative effort and it’s a continued privilege to work with so many people – colleagues, clients and suppliers – who feel the same sense of urgency."
On our journey towards a sustainable future for all, we’re proud to support the following:
Compass’s move to 100% electric fleet vehicles is an important milestone, achieved in partnership with clients, suppliers and employees.
Ian Murphy, Managing Director, Foodbuy, said: “We’ve worked with our car partner, to research a comprehensive and forward-thinking policy and range of cars that suit our peoples’ needs - this is an ambitious and significant investment. Our next step will be to look at our vans across the business - we’re already tracking activity and mileage to assess the viability of moving them across to electric vehicles, so we hope to make progress in this area very soon.”
Read more about how we're making progress in our commitment to achieve Climate Net Zero by 2030 here.
To learn more about ‘Our Climate Promise’, visit the website: https://www.compass-group.co.uk/our-climate-promise/ or contact us here to learn more about how we could support your business to achieve Net Zero.