2020, who would have predicted!? It really has been one of the toughest years of our professional and personal lives, but as we begin to reflect on the ups and downs, there’s so much we can learn from.
Rewind ten months or so, shockwaves crossed the world as businesses were faced with the unknowns of a new virus called Covid-19. Phrases like the “new normal”, “agility” and “the way forward” became synonymous with how businesses pivoted and adapted to survive.
Here at Foodbuy, we did exactly that. We make it our business to ensure clients always have access to safe and secure supply chains. And now more than ever, businesses around the world are truly seeing the benefit and value of having an expert procurement organisation behind them. Not only does it give them the security and confidence across their supply chain, but also it gives them the expertise and guidance they need to respond to events like Covid.
However, for procurement organisations, this year really has been a landmark one. It’s sent a strong signal to the industry that procurement has moved beyond the delivery of cost savings to one of value. That’s exactly why I’m so proud of the team at Foodbuy. Not only do we deliver safe and secure supply chains, but we do it in a way that puts sustainability and purpose at the heart of our proposition.
Whether it’s delivering essential food boxes to frontline workers, treat boxes at Easter or donating surplus goods to food waste charities, we operate in a way that really encapsulates our motto of “better for the world”.
Covid-19 has taught us many different things, and it’s not all been bad. As a nation, we have a greater appreciation of work-life balance, mental health awareness and the importance of people. For businesses like ours, people make us. They’re the ones who really deliver for our clients and the better they are, the better we are.
Looking ahead, the news of a UK-wide mass vaccine is promising and paves the way for a brighter 2021. When things to do return to some form of normality, we can look back with a sense of pride at the way we have all responded to the events of the last year.
Personally, I would like to extend a huge thank you to my Foodbuy team for everything they continue to do.
All that’s left to say is, have a great festive season and I look forward to a brighter 2021 for us all.