Three reasons why you should outsource to a GPO

26 July 2023
Group Purchasing Organisations (GPOs) have gained popularity in recent years as an effective solution for businesses that want to save money and streamline procurement processes. But what are they? And why should you consider outsourcing to one?
GPOs explained
GPOs are entities created to leverage group purchasing power. They negotiate purchasing contracts with suppliers on behalf of their members, offering better pricing and terms than individual businesses could achieve on their own. Should you choose to outsource to one, the benefits are vast:
- A stress-free supply chain
They can negotiate better pricing and contract terms on your behalf with an entire network of suppliers and buyers. This translates into less supply chain challenges for you – from reducing costs to ensuring long-term procurement stability – which can be significant, especially if you’re a smaller business that maybe doesn't have the same purchasing power as larger businesses.
- Procurement simplified
GPOs remove the need for you to spend time and resources negotiating your own contracts allowing you to focus on your core business activities, rather than on procurement.
- Access to expertise and resources
You’ll have a dedicated team of experts in foodservice procurement who can advise you on best practices and provide insights into market trends.
So, why Foodbuy?
At Foodbuy, we understand how your business needs go far beyond what they used to. It’s no longer just about scaling up procurement and supporting lean teams. So, we make sure our services are tailored to your individual needs.
- Leaders in foodservice
We’re one of the leading GPOs in our industry, with major institutions like Compass Group amongst our clients. What does this mean? Market-leading procurement solutions and insights with a vast network of suppliers, from small family-run businesses to large national wholesalers. Using our unrivalled experience and backing, we negotiate pricing and contract terms than you couldn’t achieve on your own.
- A supply chain you can depend on
The stress of day-to-day supplier management is taken care of! We offer transparent, allergen-compliant, ethical and sustainable supply chains (and the security to ensure long term supply), from beverages and housekeeping supplies to services, equipment, and laundry – everything your business needs to operate!
We offer a range of services, from our online ‘procure-to-pay’ platform, EPSYS, where you can manage your procurement activity and order from our supplier network, to a suite of additional tools that make your procurement process more efficient.
- A team of experts beside you
With an extensive team of procurement experts on your side, you’ll have the support you need to get the results you want – from finding the best value in your supply chain and promoting best practices, to getting insights on market trends and help driving industry-leading change to your sustainability achievements. This helps you stay ahead of the curve in a rapidly evolving industry and ensures you’re getting the best value for your money. Foodbuy also offers bespoke guidance on the things you can do to lessen the impact of inflation on your business.
By leveraging the expertise and purchasing power of a GPO you can save money, streamline your procurement processes, and focus on what makes your business great.
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